Tuesday, October 19, 2010


I took a personality test designed by JobCentral. Below is the result that i received. I agree with 85% of the statement and the remaining 15% is a bit contradict with myself. However, who knows, sometimes we don't even know ourselves very well =D

At a Glance
• Punctual, completes work on time.
• Focused on tasks, persists until job is done.
• Objective, but may appear detached.
• Quiet and reserved, prefers own company.
• Sees people as nice and friendly, not comfortable to wheel and deal.
• A good supporter of others.
• Needs clear and thorough instructions, slow to act when uncertain.

While at Work

Ms Sueraya is prepared to put in hard work moderately but she may at times prefer to work at her own pace.

Time is a major concern for Ms Sueraya. She is frequently punctual and even early for appointments. When time is critical, she moves quickly and acts promptly. Having a sense of urgency means that Ms Sueraya pushes to get things done when there is a deadline and allocates time properly when planning or organising activities. She can be depended upon to get work done on schedule.

Ms Sueraya persists with a task until it is completed. Determination, commitment and perseverance are her strength; hence she can be depended upon to meet work obligations. Ms Sueraya is suitable for long-term projects because she is sufficiently focused to see them through completion.

Ms Sueraya is able to produce work that is moderately high in quality but she may at times be careless.

Ms Sueraya is an objective person who is impartial and rational. She speaks factually and often does not involve her own feelings and emotions. She may sometimes be perceived as distant or detached.

Although Ms Sueraya is usually a sympathetic person, she may at times be selective about being involved in the personal problems of people.

Being a shy, quiet and reserved person, Ms Sueraya prefers her own company and feels awkward when meeting people for the first time. In social gatherings, she tends to stay in the background.

Ms Sueraya selectively forms strong bonds with people although these bonds may not be very deep.

Ms Sueraya is moderately serious about her responsibilities and selectively takes ownership of her work.

Ms Sueraya is moderately concerned with prestige, rank and reputation.

Ms Sueraya sees people as friendly, reliable and honest. She is trusting and believes what people say. She tends to be unsuspecting of people.s behaviour and motives. She is uncomfortable when she has to wheel and deal.

A good supporter to the people around her, Ms Sueraya does not desire to lead or influence people. She is uncomfortable taking charge and does not feel the thrill of challenge in leading others. She prefers to responds rather than initiate. She looks to others to provide direction and does not naturally want to persuade or motivate others to take a certain course of action.

Ms Sueraya is as keen to explore abstract concepts when the topic appeals to her and she is as interested to discuss theoretical issues as the average person.

Ms Sueraya puts in effort to plan ahead some of the times. She may at times not be as detailed in her planning.

Ms Sueraya is generally able to express herself although not to a high degree of eloquence.

Being one who needs clear and thorough instructions before she can proceed on action, Ms Sueraya resists when conditions are uncertain. She does not adapt easily to changes. Before she embarks on a new project, expect Ms Sueraya to find out more and probe deeply.

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